LinkedIn Profile or Personal Website
Link to Company or Project Website
University or Institution Name*
Relationship to Institution*
Class Year (students/alumni) or Year of Hire (faculty)*
What type(s) of business or research support have you received from your institution? Select all that apply*
What is your current stage of growth?*
Upload your Pitch Deck Here*
Upload your White Paper (OPTIONAL)
Please describe your company (or technology), the problem you are solving, and why you are solving it. (3-4 sentences)*
What is uniquely valuable about your product, service, or technology? (2-3 sentences)*
Who are the key members of the team? Please describe their professional experiences and skillsets. (3 sentences maximum per team member)*
What was your primary motivation for founding this company? What sustains you and your team through hard times and failure? (2-3 sentences)*
How did you find SEISMIC?*